From: Rick Brown sonic net> Date: 05 oct 2006 Subject: Ryu-O Title Match first game in San Francisco Oct 10-11, 2006 If you live near San Francisco you may be interested in the 19th Ryu-O=20 Title match game 1 to be played in San Francisco on Oct 10 and 11. From: "The first game in the championship series of the 19th /Ryuo Shogi/=20 (traditional Japanese chess) tournament will be held on October 10-11 at= =20 the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco. The tournament is being hosted by the=20 Yomiuri Newspaper. Mr. Akira Watanabe, the current /Ryuo/ (the highest=20 rank) titleholder, will be challenged by Mr. Yasumitsu Sato who holds=20 the title of /Kisei /(one of the most notable ranks). The Ryuo match has only been held twice in the United States since=20 1996=97once in Los Angeles and once New York. Some prominent shogi players= =20 such as Mr. Makoto Nakahara, Vice President of the Japan Shogi=20 Association, Mr. Koichi Fukaura, Mr. Tadao Kitajima and Mr. Shoji Segawa= =20 will take part in the tournament to assist in the match and holding=20 related events. Events will include a welcome reception, an educational=20 match for fans, and commentary on the match by a professional shogi player.= " Please contact me if you would like a listing of the public events. Rick Brown guzzle sonic net --^---------------------------------------------------------------- This email was sent to: = shogi-l shogi net EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: bnuqMa.= c2hvZ2kt Or send an email to: shogi-unsubscribe topica com For Topica's complete suite of email marketing solutions visit: --^----------------------------------------------------------------