From: Steve Polley yahoo com> Date: 8 aug 2005 Subject: Shogi Time controls Your free subscription is supported by today's sponsor: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Is your computer freezing up or slowing down? Repair corrupt files and harmful errors - protect your PC Take a 2-minute PC health check-up at no charge! caadOuaa2i6YsbnuqMaa/PC PowerScan ------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the time controls- i.e. how many moves in how much time- in a=20 tournament shogi game? And what is byooyomi and how does it work? Thank= =20 you. I do appreciate this forum to have my questions answered. Your free subscription is supported by today's sponsor: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Erase wrinkles without painful injections with Nexiderm SP. Nexiderm SP is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles by 68% Click=20 here to get your 30-day free supply. caadOvHa2i6YsbnuqMaf/Nexiderm ------------------------------------------------------------------- --^---------------------------------------------------------------- This email was sent to: = shogi-l shogi net EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: bnuqMa.= c2hvZ2kt Or send an email to: shogi-unsubscribe topica com For Topica's complete suite of email marketing solutions visit: --^----------------------------------------------------------------