From: Reijer Grimbergen FU IS SAGA-U AC JP> Date: 16 jun 2003 Subject: New SPEAR release Hi all, I have uploaded the version of my shogi program that played in the Computer Shogi World Championships this year. If you want to give it a try, you can download it here directly: or from the SPEAR page on my website: Any comments on the program are (as always) welcome, but (as always) I make no promises when I will make changes to accomodate these comments :-). Reijer -- Reijer Grimbergen Department of Information Science Saga University 1 Honjo-machi, Saga-shi, 840-8502 Japan E-mail: grimbergen fu is saga-u ac jp URL: Tel: +81-(0)952-28-8821 Fax: +81-(0)952-28-8650