From: Sylvain Ferrieres CLIPPER ENS FR> Date: 19 nov 2002 Subject: Intersting web site on proverbs. Hi evbdy, I find a really interesting site. There are many illustrations of shogi proverbs, a partial english traduction of the book "Quest of lost systems" about josekis and other sweets.. I think it would be good for beginners like me to get a look at it. One of my ""sensei"" told me that shogi truth is in the proverbs.. cu, Sylvain. PS: for the "pieces value" discussion, I think chess and shogi are reversed: I mean that judging material in a chess game is really important in view of the endgame whereas in shogi, "speed is more important than material" in the endgame (you can only drop one piece max at each move even if you have plenty !!) and one can judge the material balance only in the middle game, for it's easier to create a mating net and to defend with more material.. but since the "king hunt" has began, only the number of moves till the end counts.. There are good illustrations of this in the site I referred to.