From: Patrick Davin LYRA VEGA OR JP> Date: 6 feb 1999 Subject: Re: Taikyoku "Translation" Luke Merritt: >I've put my translation of taikyoku pieces as one big text file here: > Excellent compilation. Some comments/suggestions: The Shitennou (not yontennou) are the four heavenly gaurdians of Buddhism, hence "tetrarch" (= four kings). It's confusing then that it co-exists with four Shiten. The "Guardian of the Gods" is Kongou (not kingou). I'm pretty sure he is one of the four heavenly gaurdians of Buddhism. Same goes for Rasetsu (not rasechi). The opposite of sa (hidari) is always u (not yuu). - Some pieces appear in other games and have accepted readings: The vertical mover is read shugyou (not jagyou). The lance is kyousha (not kyuusha), the pawn is fuhyou (not hohei). The knight is keima (not keiba), the dragon horse is ryuume (not ryuuma), and while we're at it the flying horse is barin (not marin). The white tiger is byakko (not hakko). (The white elephant is still hakuzou). The lion dog is hakken (not hakuken). The reverse chariot is hensha (not hansha). The dark spirit is mumyou (mot mumei). By analogy, the wood chariot is probably mokusha (as opposed to kisha). Similarly, the cat sword is probably myoutou (as opposed to byoutou). - I assume the following are just careless misses: The gold chariot is kinsha (not ginsha). The tile chariot is gasha (not gashou).