From: teruko PO2 NSKNET OR JP> Date: 4 dec 1999 Subject: 1. Hans Kaplan has expressed concern that his remarks may have been construed as offensive. Whilst intending to provoke thought and discussion his rattling of cages was not meant to be insulting to chess players or other individuals. The statement aimed at is that the relations between players and the atmosphere generated by these relations are at least as important as the game itself and as such should be cared for. Also a caution against allowing an unrepresentative portion of the whole to monopolise the teaching of shogi to children (as has been observed to varying extent in other fields) as this is likely to engender a false impression of both shogi and adults. On behalf of Hans Kaplan, Michael Sandeman. Hans asked me to post this as he has left the list and wouldn't return just for one explanatory mail.