From: John Stryker INTERACCESS COM> Date: 25 may 1998 Subject: Re: The Fraudulent "Ishi Press" web site If I may offer some non-shogi comments on this current burning issue: 1) Sam Sloan has been done wrong by various individuals in this Ishi Press matter. I'm glad to know this as a consumer. I'd rather find out via a two-sentence pointer to the many web pages Sam has created on this topic than find the whole saga in my email in-box. Let's work on this. 2) Sam has put some photos of "Shogi girls" on the web. I'm glad to know this as well. A very short pointer to the web page would have sufficed here also. If worded gently enough it might have avoided the flame war we had as well, something I definitely could have done without. Many women would have been offended by that whole thing, and that represents half of the potential shogi-playing population. 3) Sam has had a few posts boasting about the number of "hits" his web pages are getting. This I couldn't give a d*mn about, and I couldn't imagine anyone else caring about. Other than Sam. 4) I'm not going to pick sides on this issue of Sam Sloan being "more qualified" or "having done more for shogi" than Pieter Stouten. Suffice to say that if it wasn't for Pieter Stouten I would never have heard of Sam Sloan, Reijer's web page, the various telnet and web servers, or many other things. He's why you are reading this right now. Sam, I welcome your contributions to shogi and to this list. To the extent that your input is not 100% on topic with this list (as specified in the charter) please lead me there via a URL on the web, or point me to a USENET post in a general games group ( perhaps). Please let this settle down so we can all get back to shogi. Pieter, I have always been grateful for (even awed by) your administration of this list. Please don't give it up; I don't know if a replacement could come close to the job you are doing. That having been said, please give Sam a little room here to see if we can all get along. Occasional one-line pointers to web pages shouldn't kill the signal-to-noise ratio too much. Please, Sam, I said OCCASIONAL. When you have news. Shogi-related news. Ninety percent of what I know about the game of shogi, and ninety- nine percent of what I know about the culture of shogi, I owe to this list and Pieter. I'd bet your numbers are similar to mine. Let's all get along, and get back to Shogi. I've got to improve my rating. John Stryker johns interaccess com