From: Pieter Stouten DUPONTMERCK COM> Date: 1 may 1998 Subject: Non-shogi related posts Dear shogi fans, It is my considered opinion that we have had more than enough non-shogi related mails recently. Some people have expressed the opinion that Sam Sloan's posting asking for measurements was inappropriate. I assumed his request for measurements was partially tongue-in-cheek. Even if it was not, there is a large grey area of what, with a little stretch of the imagination, one could consider shogi-related. In my opinion his posting fell in that category. However, I do take issue with is the subsequent flurry of responses (calling his page tasteless, doubting the number of hits he claims his pages have received). Although I do not deny anybody to have their own opinion and although their concerns may have been entirely legitimate, the responses were less shogi-related than Sam's original post and do not belong on SHOGI-L. Postings to SHOGI-L should meet two conditions: 1) they should be shogi-related, and 2) they should not be ad-hominem attacks. If you take issue with a posting to SHOGI-L, you can always bring it up with the original sender, with me or with both. In the past people have expressed concerns and I have acted on them, contacted the original sender and mostly that resolved the issue. On a slightly related note, may I ask all of you to post plain-text messages only (i.e., no HTML, enriched text or JIS-encoding)? Thank you for your cooperation, Pieter Stouten, SHOGI-L owner pieter.stouten dupontmerck com