From: Ralf Lundberg CS CHALMERS SE> Date: 11 oct 1997 Subject: Re: teaching youngsters Richard Jones wrote: > Hi > I am new to the list (have ben lurking for a while) and have got back into > shogi after about a 8 year lay off (due to lack of opponents down here). > However a Japanese friend we have staying has got me going again. My > daughter (she is 10) has recently been playing a lot of Go at school and > against myself. She has expressed an interest in learning Shogi and I > wondered if anyone has any tips as to how I can go about it especially > with regard to what handicap system we could use. > Sorry to take up your time. Hi Richard! I have three kids (tvo girls, Liv 10, Linnea 8, and one boy, Lennart 6), all of which I play board games with. They have different talents, but they all like it. All three play Go. Liv and Lennart play Shogi & Chess as well. So even 5 or 6 year old kids can learn the rules, if they are interested, no doubt. As for handicaps, I started by 8 piece, that is removing all my pieces except for King, both Golds and all Pawns, then I go first. It is hard for white to win with such a handicap, but he can defend against naive attacks, so black has to think a little, and learn some simple attack tactics. When black wins that, you add one or two Silvers, then the Knights, then the Lances, then Rook or Bishop. I currently give 6 or 7 pieces to my kids. It is amazing how few pieces a strong player needs to win against a significantly weaker player! You can read a lot more about handicap Shogi in Tony Hosking's book "The Art of Shogi". Hope this serves you:-) Ralf ___________________________________________________________________ Ralf Lundberg