From: Yoshinori Sawada FA2 SO-NET OR JP> Date: 15 nov 1997 Subject: How to defend in Shogi --- The 2nd Posting ************************************************************************ "How to defend in Shogi" by Yasuharu Ohyama Basic formation < Part 2 > ************************************************************************ Breaking an opponent's attacking base is another method of effective defense. In this case, an equal number of defensive pieces must confront the attacking side. It is not significant if you lose these pieces as long as the attacker's base is broken. By breaking the base, you regain your balance to mount a counterattack. Now, I would like to explain how to do this with an example. --------Diagram 1---------- up to white's P*5f White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * wS * * bP * |e | * * bP * wP * * * * |f | * bP bB bP * bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bG bS * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: P Moves from Diagram 1: (Black plays) P*5g, Px5g+, S4hx5g, P*5f ---> (Diagram 2) In diagram 1, white has disclosed his plan of cramping black by occupying the 5-file with the nakabisha or central rook opening. If black leaves white alone, white will easily achieve his objective. Black must, at any cost, eliminate white's base on the 5-file. Gauche move Black's P*5g is a courageous move that no one can play without learning it beforehand because it is as if you offered your head under a raised fist. However black could never eliminate white's strong base if he allowed white to play P-4e. If you stand idle, you will be beaten, but if you can break your opponent's arms, you will never be beaten. The move, P*5g contains this aggressive spirit, but is very hard to play without bravery. White's Px5g+ is the natural move to keep his forward base. To strengthen his offensive, white could consider P-4e instead of Px5g+. However, it will not be effective after the variation: (black plays) Px5f, Sx5f, P-6f, P*5g, S4hx5g, Sx5g+, Sx5g (Diagram A), because he has no pawn in hand and will be attacked with black's S*4c. --------Diagram A ---------- up to black's Sx5g. White in hand: S 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * * wP * * |d |bP * * * * wP * bP * |e | * * bP bP * * * * * |f | * bP bB * bS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK * bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P2 In the above variation, if black, instead of P-6f, defends: Bx3c+, Nx3c, P*5g, S-6e, S-7g (Diagram B) he also gains the advantage because he can attack by B*4c or P-2d. In any case, black will stand better if he eliminates white's base, the pawn at 5f. --------Diagram B ---------- up to white's S-7g. White in hand: B P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * * wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wN wP wP |c | * * * * * * wP * * |d |bP * * wS * wP * bP * |e | * * bP * * * * * * |f | * bP bS bP bP bP bP * bP |g | * * bK * bG bS * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: B Black's S4hx5g is the natural way to capture the white pawn at 5g. If S6hx5g, the defense on the 5-file will fail with the variation: (white plays) P*5f, S-6f, Sx6f, Px6f, S*5g (Diagram C). Also if Gx5g, the gold must retreat to 5h after a pawn is dropped at 5f by white. Then black's first P*5g reveals poor understanding. --------Diagram C ---------- up to white's S*5g. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB * wS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK * bG bS * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P White's P*5f is a move he must, of course, play to secure his base. White's S*5f instead of P-5f to exchange silvers is a courageous move, but will result in a one pawn loss after the variation: (black plays) S-6f, P*5g, S6hx5g, Sx5g+, Sx5g, S*6e, R-2f (Diagram D). His courage turns out to be misplaced. If white throws away the base on the 5-file by himself that was achieved with great difficulty, it cannot be helped if such a gauche move is ridiculed. --------Diagram D ---------- up to black's R-2f. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * wS * * * bP * |e | * * bP * * * * bR * |f | * bP bB bP bS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK * bG * * * * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P2 Pushing the pawn to 4e instead of white's P*5f is another attacking method for white. However, after white's P-4e, black will strongly play S-6f to exchange silvers, and when the position reaches Diagram E after: (white plays) Sx6f, Px6f, white is worse because black can aim at a counterattack by S*4c. White's P*5f is absolutely necessary to secure his foothold. --------Diagram 2 ---------- up to white's P*5f. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * wS * * bP * |e | * * bP * wP * * * * |f | * bP bB bP bS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: P Moves from Diagram 2: (black plays) S-6f, Sx6f, Px6f, S*5g --> (Diagram 3) What Black Is Mostly Cautious Of Black seems to be in danger after S-6f. However it is impossible to achieve the feat of breaking the enemy's forward base without walking on thin ice. Meekly withdrawing the silver with S-4h conflicts with black's initial aggressive policy of P*5g. A similar move is S-4f, but this move instead of S-6f leads to near defeat for black after the variation: (white plays) Sx4f, Px4f, S*5g, G-4g, P-4e, S*4d, Bx4d, Bx4d, Px4f, P*5c, R-4b (Diagram F) --------Diagram F ---------- up to white's R-4b White in hand: S P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * * wR * * * |b |wP wP wP wP bP * * wP wP |c | * * * * * bB wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP * wP wP * * * |f | * bP * bP wS bG bP * bP |g | * * bK bS * * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: B In the above variation, if black plays Px4e instead of S*4d, he will be annihilated with the variation: (white plays) Sx6h+, Gx6h, Bx7g+, Nx7g, B*3i, R-5h, S*5g, (Diagram G). --------Diagram G ---------- up to white's S*5g White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * * wP wP |c | * * * * * * wP * * |d |bP * * * * bP * bP * |e | * * bP * wP * * * * |f | * bP bN bP wS bG bP * bP |g | * * bK bG bR * * * * |h |bL * * * * * wB bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: B S2 P2 What black should be cautious of is that the white bishop at 3c is participating in the attack. Black's S-4f is, therefore, not a wise move since it allows white to play P-4f, which opens the bishop's diagonal favorably. After black's S-6f, white's Sx6f is imperative. S-6d instead, bows to black's vigor, and the pawn at 5f is lost for nothing. Here is the variation: (black plays) P-4f, G-3b, G-4g, G-4c, R-5h, (Diagram H). Naturally, white has a disadvantageous position because he was deprived of his important outpost. --------Diagram H ---------- up to black's R-5h White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * * * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * wG wB wP wP |c | * * * wS * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bS wP bP * * * |f | * bP bB bP * bG bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bR * * * * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: P Another alternative to Sx6f is P-4e. This move aiming to utilize the bishop at 3c seems a good idea. However, white will succumb to black's counterattack: (black plays) Sx5e, Bx5e, Bx5e, Rx5e, B*6f, (Diagram I). --------Diagram I ---------- up to black's B*6f White in hand: B S 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * * * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * * wP wP |c | * * * * * * wP * * |d |bP * * * wR wP * bP * |e | * * bP bB wP * * * * |f | * bP * bP * bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P White's Sx6f is a move that falls into the snare laid by black, but for white to seize the advantage he must place all his hope on dropping his silver on 5g. After white's Sx6f, black could also consider Bx6f. However, white would anticipate black's S*4c attack and play G-4b aiming at S*5e or S*6e attacking the bishop's head. Black cannot rid himself of his anxiety on the 5-file this way. (Diagram J) --------Diagram J ---------- up to white's G-4b. White in hand: S 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * * * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR wG * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bB wP * * * * |f | * bP * bP * bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P White's attack, S*5g is very energetic, but big trouble awaits him if he allows black's counterattack, S*4c. However, while white is defending against that, black gains time to solidify the 5-file so that the effect of white's power there is dampened. --------Diagram 3 ---------- up to white's S*5g. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB * wS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P Moves from Diagram 3: (black plays) G-6g, ---> (Diagram 4) Dodging Defense White's S*5g is, for beginners, the most difficult attack to handle. Most of the time, they give up. The reason is that they always think to respond directly against the attack. In other words, if black plays Sx5g, the 5-file will be lost entirely with white's Px5g+. On the other hand, if black leaves as it is, the 5-file will also be lost with white's insistent attack: (white plays) Sx5h+, Gx5h, G*5g. Therefore, most beginners yield to temptation to defend with P*5i. After P*5i, if white captures the gold with Sx5h+, black will be happy with Px5h. However black can hardly dispel his anxiety on the 5-file, since white attacks: Sx6h+, G6ix6h, S*5g, (Diagram K). --------Diagram K ---------- up to white's S*5g. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB * wS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bG bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * * bP * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S2 That is to say, the move P*5i has no offensive punch whatsoever, so white can attack without any problems. Generally speaking, totally passive defense without any aggressive aim usually fails. In that context, in order to let black's defense have a little aggressive element S*4h, instead of P*5i, may be tried. If white plays Sx5h+ or Sx6h+ in response, black can protect the 5-file by recapturing the silver with his gold at 6i. However white would calmly play Sx4h+, and after Gx4h, attack with S*3i. Then black is clearly losing (Diagram L). --------Diagram L ---------- up to white's S*3i. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB * * bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS * bG * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * wS bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P A little stronger player may find another defensive move, S*4f. However, the position after white's attack: (white plays) Sx4f+, Px4f, S*5g, G-4g, P-4e, (Diagram M), black is practically defenseless since black's pawn at 4f will be soon captured and Sx6f+ next is severe. --------Diagram M ---------- up to white's P-4e. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * * wP * * |d |bP * * * * wP * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP bP * * * |f | * bP bB * wS bG bP * bP |g | * * bK bS * * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P In the above analysis, it seems that black has no good defensive move. Should black lose his temper and launch a wild attack with S*4c, it would only turn out as white wished. The moves are: (white plays) R-5c, Sx3d+, Sx5h+, Gx5h, G*5g, +Sx3c, Nx3c, (Diagram N), and white crashes through in the center. White's knight will journey to 4e and strongly support white's attack. Although black captures a bishop, white enjoys a powerful attack. --------Diagram N ---------- up to white's Nx3c. White in hand: S 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * * wL |a | * * wK * * * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP wR * wN wP wP |c | * * * * * wP * * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB * wG bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS bG * * bR * |h |bL bN * * * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: B S P2 Then, is the position after white's S*5g already disadvantageous for black? The answer is no because black has good defensive move, G-6g.This move is the so-called, "dodging defense", and is an important defensive technique. In other words, by removing the opponent's target he foresees his future counterattack. Let your opponent hit the air. That is a kendo technique. While he hits the air and loses his balance, you cut him down with a single stroke of your sword. That is the exciting essence of kendo. The move, G-6g, is similar to that. Also, it is hard to fight if the target is gone. I would like many players to learn the "dodging defense", which reminds me of ninja that is, fashionable nowadays. --------Diagram 4 ---------- up to black's G-6g. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB bG wS bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bS * * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S P Moves from Diagram 4: (white plays) Sx6h+, G6ix6h, S*5g, P*5h, Sx6h+, Bx6h, ---> (Diagram 5) Don't Be Too Sly White is compelled to play Sx6h+ by force of circumstance. If he defends with G-4b instead, fearing black's counterattack by S*4c, he will forfeit his attack since black's position is solidified. After the variation: (black plays) P*5h, Sx6h+, G6ix6h (Diagram O). White has no pawn in hand and 5f pawn has become a weakling. The former base is destined to be captured finally. --------Diagram O ---------- up to black's G6ix6h. White in hand: S 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * * * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR wG * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP bB bG * bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bG bP * * bR * |h |bL bN * * * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S2 The alternative move Bx6h, instead of G6ix6h can, of course, be considered. This seems very good idea because if white plays S*5g, black moves the bishop to 7I aiming at P*5h next trapping the silver on 5g. However, remember as mentioned before, keep cool and think when you find a good move. After B-7i, (white plays): P-4e, S*7g, P-4f, Px4f, Sx6f+, Sx6f, Bx6f, Gx6f, P-5g+ (Diagram P). White's tokin will be very annoying, although black's position is not too bad. --------Diagram P ---------- up to white's P-5g+. White in hand: S P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * * wP wP |c | * * * * * * wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bG * bP * * * |f | * bP * * wP+ * bP * bP |g | * * bK * * * * bR * |h |bL bN bB bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: B S2 P2 Black's G6ix6h after white's Sx6h+ is more solid. It prepares for white's attack on the 5-file without being so sly and greedy. White's S*5g is indispensable under the circumstances. Stopping to defend now would make all his previous moves meaningless. Black defends with P*5h as planned. In this situation as well, if he moves his gold to 6i slyly aiming to trap the silver on 5g, white will trip him up with the variation: (white plays) S-4f+, Px4f, P-5g+ (Diagram Q). Please be careful. --------Diagram Q ---------- up to white's P-5g+. White in hand: nothing 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP * bP * * * |f | * bP bB bG wP+ * bP * bP |g | * * bK * * * * bR * |h |bL bN * bG * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S3 P With black's P*5h, the only move white can do is Sx6h+. Then black should recapture with the bishop contemplating next S*4c or P-2d. On the other hand, the power of white's occupation at the 5-file is entirely dissipated. This position is favorable for black. --------Diagram 5 ---------- up to black's Bx6h. White in hand: G 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |wL wN wS wG * wG * wN wL |a | * * wK * wR * * * * |b |wP wP wP wP * * wB wP wP |c | * * * * * wP wP * * |d |bP * * * * * * bP * |e | * * bP bP wP * * * * |f | * bP * bG * bP bP * bP |g | * * bK bB bP * * bR * |h |bL bN * * * * * bN bL |i +---------------------------+ Black in hand: S3 Translated by Yoshinori Sawada and Randy Andrews ************************************************************************