From: Andrew Pearce SHELL01 OZEMAIL COM AU> Date: 18 nov 1996 Subject: CSA Tournament Hello All. I am working on a Shogi playing program which I would like to enter in the Computer Shogi Association tournament in Tokyo in February next year. Unfortunately I will not be able to go to Tokyo myself at that time (my wife is expecting our first baby at the end January) so I am hoping there might be someone out there in Shogi-L land who lives in or around Tokyo, or knows someone who lives around there, who might like to take the program to the tournament for me. As far as I know all that will be involved will be entering the moves that the opposition program makes and telling the opposition what move my program has made. It would be great if you had your own PC but hiring a portable is a possibility. The tournament is run on Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February and obviously I would cover any costs incurred in getting there, hiring equipment etc.. If anyone is interested please contact me at alpearce ozemail com au Thanks Andrew