From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCRiNLXBsoQg==?= RD TKSC NASDA GO JP> Date: 28 mar 1996 Subject: Re: mukaibisha At 10:10 AM 96.3.25 -0500, Tony Salvaggione wrote: >I've seen manybooks and articles for 3rd file, 4th file, and central >furibisha, but for opposing rook (mukaibisha), I've only seen a short section >in the back of one book. Is it just not a sound strategy (with the rook on >the open Ibisha's bishop diagonal)? I'd also be interested in seeing some >jooseki for this line. > >Thanks >Tony Salvaggione It is correct that Muakibihsa game is less than 4th or 3rd ranging rook game. (recently, it seems central rook game also become less) Mukaibisha is one of the main strategy in ranging rook opening and there are many "Joseki" for Mukaibisha opening but if the opponent do not move rook side pawn (and it is populer in modern strategy) up to 5th rank, mukaibhsia is not good possition. This is one reason why mukaibisha game is less than others. However, there is a way. First ranging your rook to 3rd file, then oppornent will move rook side Pawn to 5th rank, (otherwise you can make good position of "Isida ryu" then you re range your rook to mukaibisha. This strategy loose (or need one more) one move. but sometimes using against "Ibisha Anaguma". $BF#K\?.5A (B (Nobuyoshi Fujimoto) $B1'Ch3+H/;v6HCD!!1'Ch rd tksc nasda go jp> (tel:0298-52-2772 $B!K (B (fax:0298-50-2233)