From: Hans_Geuns EURONET NL> Date: 28 apr 1996 Subject: Re: Tsume question Michael J. Shelton wrote: >. I have a question pertaining to a Tsume problem, Shogi Yuryaku #3 in "Ito >Soin" on the >World Wide Web. > Here is the problem: > >9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 >-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a >wL -- wG -- wN -- -- -- -- b >-- wP -- -- bR -- wP -- -- c >wP wK wN -- wP -- -- wP bS d >-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- e >bP bP wP bP -- wP -- -- -- f >-- -- -- bS bP -- -- -- -- g >-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- h >-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- i Don't forget to mention that Black has in hand: B, G, G, N, N, P > > I have deliberated over this problem for quite a while, before I broke down >and looked at >the answer. The first move given is rook to 7c, answered by King capture at >7c. However >when I was playing it, I answered first with Gold capture at 7c (At least >when I debated >that possible sequence) > My question to any who can assist me is: Why wouldn't the White Gold move in >instead of the King? It appears to my (admittedly novice level) of Shogi that >this would be a better move. wG x7c doesn't appear to be an illegal move.... 1. ... Gx7c is legal but leads to a quicker mate: 1.R5c-7c+ G7bx7c 2.G'8e K8d-9c 3.B'7a (that's why G7b shouldn't move on the first move) X'8b 4.G8ex9d K9cx9d 5.G'9e K9d-9c 6.N'8e mate (The solution is 15 moves, although there appear to be some variations in 17 moves if after 1.R7c+ Kx7c 2.N'6e K8d 3.G'7e white doesn't capture but plays 3. ... K9c.) Hans Geuns geuns euronet nl