From: Pieter Stouten CHEMSCI1 ES DUPONT COM> Date: 11 oct 1993 Subject: SHOGI-L archives updated The game scores of the 34-th Oi Title Match have been added to the SHOGI-L archives. The file GAMES DESCR has been updated to reflect this addition. I already added this file to the archives on Wed 22 Sep 93, but forgot to post this announcement. Sorry. OI MATCH-93. Habu Yoshiharu - Gouda Masataka (Oi) 4-0. 13 Jul - 18 Aug 1993. 34-th Oi Title Match. Japan. No comment. 4 games. Retrieve by sending one or more of the following commands to LISTSERV TECHNION TECHNION AC IL or LISTSERV TECHNION BITNET: GET OI MATCH-93 GET GAMES DESCR === The file with Shogi addresses has been updated. It is available as SHOGI ADDRESS from one of the two LISTSERV addresses above. === For a list of all available files in the Shogi-L archives send to one of the two LISTSERV addresses above the command: INDEX SHOGI-L === Enjoy ! Pieter Stouten, co-owner Shogi-L E-mail: stoutepf chemsci1 es dupont com Internet Go Server: kzinti