From: Minna Shore FIU EDU> Date: 14 may 1993 Subject: Re: tsume help albyn (or is it allyn???), You may be correct, but Shogi is really different from chess. The principles of chess, control of the center, doubled pawns, outposts, etc., exist in a sense, but only in a sense. You see, since you are so aware of chess principles, you will also be keenly aware of those factors in Shogi which are also important, but all such 'principles' ard different from chess (that should have said 'are different from chess'). They are too numerous to mention, so I'll give just one example, re not bringing your rook (or bishop) too close to your king. Were you to do so, then it is possible for your opponent actually (or as a threat) to check your king, then take the other piece. This is akin to a knight fork in chess. Remember also that I may be wrong!!! I wonder what the dan players think about this? Harold