From: grimbergen MACPOST PSYCH KUN NL Date: 1 feb 1993 Subject: Re: Shogi terms In his latest post, Adam Atkinson writes: > >Sente=black, gote=white? Really? Even when white has sente? > Before this gets more confusing than it already is, let me explain Adam's wisecrack. Sente is Shogi is used in two different ways. The first is to designate the player who starts the game. Sente is the combination of the Kanji for "previous, before" and the kanji of "hand", so the use of Sente for the player who moves first should be obvious. In contrast Gote is a combination of the kanji for "after" and (again) "hand". However, Sente is also used for "initiative". Since initiative is (or should be) playing moves to which your opponent has to respond defensively, instead of carrying out his own devious plans, the choice of "Sente" to indicate initiative is easy to explain. So, in conclusion, gote can have sente, as Adam says. No offence, Adam, but I thought I should clear that up, since Japanese is already confusing enough. >"Better Moves for Better Shogi" has a reasonably gobsmacking list of >terms with pronunciation, kanji and translation. Maybe everybody already knows this, but "Better Moves for Better Shogi" is a must for every player ranging from absolute beginner to dan-player. I read it about four times myself, and I like to read it again some time. Reijer Grimbergen