From: R J Hare FESTIVAL ED AC UK> Date: 15 dec 1993 Subject: Test I have been having problems with mailing lists because of people elsewhere mucking about with gateways (for the second time in the space of a few weeks)! I *think* the list is receiving my messages, but that neither they nor any other messages are being transmitted back to me successfully. This is a test message to check this out. I would be grateful if someone could mail me privately to let me know if this message appears on the list. I'm really sorry (and embarressed!) by all this, but all I can do is say again that the 'cause' of the 'problem' is elsewhere (approx 500 km away) and completely outwith my control. Thank you for your patience. Roger Hare. _____________________________________________________________________________ Roger Hare, Computing Service, Main Library, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 9LJ, Scotland email: r.j.hare edinburgh ac uk phone: +44 (0)31 650 3320 fax: +44 (0)31 642 4809