From: Chris Sterritt ADMS-RAD UNISYS COM> Date: 7 jun 1990 Subject: Revised Ladder -- and request for responses Hello, As we've just gotten another ladder player, AND have recently gotten some new subscribers (welcome!), I thought I'd post the current ladder in hopes of getting new players. So, without further ado, here's the current standings (again, no one has told me of games in progress, so there are no current challenges listed). 1. Joe Kennedy KENNEDY cvax ipfw indiana edu 2. Terry Asher TA2321S DRAKE BITNET 3. John Kenney KENNEY EMBL BITNET 4. Pieter Stouten STOUTEN EMBL BITNET 5. Chris Sterritt chris adms-rad unisys com 6. Maurizio Paolini PAOLINI TOR01 CSELT STET IT 7. Vann (???) PENDLEYIV urvax urich edu (Sorry Vann, but I don't have your full name. Feel free to correct me :-). Let's get those games going! --chris sterritt, Shogi-L Ladder coordinator