Quest of the lost systems

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Chapter One: Yagura

Section 3: The Morishita System

Let me recapitulate the suzume-zashi history here. It began with a powerful Black suzume-zashi, which was then countered with White bo- gin, which was tamed by R-2i formation, which was succeeded by the Morishita System, which was finally defeated by White suzume-zashi. History repeats itself.

I talked with Morishita-8 dan privately. Here is what he said: It was when I was playing with Awaji-8 dan and then Aono-8 dan that the idea dawned on me. They were playing with the similar notions, which I found quite promising. I put those ideas together, so to speak. Based on the R-2i formation, which was rather weak in the offensive, I made it into something more playable in actual games. The reason why I stopped playing it? The direct cause was the game I played against Yonenaga sensei. If I'd placed my B once again onto 4f from 6h, it would have checked White's attack, but I couldn't bring myself to do so because it meant loss of time. Now I have no intention of adhering to the Morishita System. I've come to think that investigations tend to lead one to passivity over the board, in the sense that each move, rather than being a self-inspired action, becomes a self-programmed reaction. But in actual shogi games,stronger players win in the end. Now that I think about it, the game with Kunio Yonenaga brought about a change in me. I now play the Black S-3g formation which I didn't like before. I think I'm playing with less preoccupied notions now.

(End of Section3)

Takako Noda

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