Quest of the lost systems

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Chapter One: Yagura

Section 3: The Morishita System

Now another series of moves from a different angle. What if Black's S escapes onto 8f when White plays P-9f, counting on his B coming to 4f? The next diagram is from a Ryu-O-sen game played by Morishita(b) and Yonenaga(w) on June 23rd, 1994. This game was the major reason that Morishita has now stopped playing his own system.

  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
| *  *  *  *  * wK  * wN wL |a      White in hand: P 
|wR  *  * wS wG wB wG  *  * |b
|wL  *  * wP  *  * wS wP wP |c
| * wP wP  * wP wP wP  *  * |d
| *  *  *  *  *  *  * bP  * |e
|wP bS bP bP bP  * bP bS  * |f
| * bP  * bG  * bP  *  * bP |g
| * bK bG bB  *  *  * bR  * |h      Black in hand: N 
|bL bN  *  *  *  *  * bN bL |i
Diagram 12. Morishita(b) vs Yonenaga(w), up to S-8f.

S-8f   P-8e;     N*8d   R-8b;     Sx8e   P-9g+;    Lx9g   Lx9g+;
Nx9g   P*9f;     Sx9f   Rx8d;     L*8f   R-9d;     P*9e   R-9c;
L-8b+  P-6d;   (Diagram 13)

  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
| *  *  *  *  * wK  * wN wL |a      White in hand: N L
| * bL+ * wS wG wB wG  *  * |b
|wR  *  *  *  *  * wS wP wP |c
| *  * wP wP wP wP wP  *  * |d
|bP  *  *  *  *  *  * bP  * |e
|bS  * bP bP bP  * bP bS  * |f
|bN bP  * bG  * bP  *  * bP |g
| * bK bG bB  *  *  * bR  * |h      Black in hand: P2 
| *  *  *  *  *  *  * bN bL |i
Diagram 13. Up to (w)P-6d.

Please note a slight difference in position of each game. In Yagura, the most delicate difference in position could mean a great change in the play that follows. In this game, Black can drop N on 8d to counter White's P-8e. Actually Morishita seemed to have been confident up to L-8b+, but P-6d crushed his optimistic outlook. See for yourself on Diagram 13 that White's R has a clear path sideways, plus a threatening move of P-6e is on its way. Enough to ensure White's dominance.

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