Quest of the lost systems

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Chapter One: Yagura
Section 2: Formation with black Rook on 2i

What Kato did in the aforementioned game proved that the R-2i formation didn't work when White chose to wait. It functions when Black takes advantage of White's offense, but is not fit for having the initiative.

Did White's cautious move, B-4b, become joseki, then? The answer is no. There was a big change in the yagura conception which drowned out a minor adjustment like B-4b. The big-bang in the yagura, as it were, was the idea of immobile Fu(P) on the Rook file. I have to add that the idea of keeping the P unmoved was not exactly novel. But it used to appear in combination with suzume-zashi, so the meaning was different. Now we distinguish the new yagura from the old one, the immobile P on the R file demarcating the boundary line. In the old yagura, P-2f was thought of as an unnecessary move, if Black was about to attack along the first file. The idea came along with the idea of the P-on-2g suzume-zashi. The present view is: P-2f is not necessary because R will come on the third file, which is to be the field to open fire.

It took a long time for the present view to replace the old one. The old-style suzume-zashi with P on 2g also fell prey to the bo-gin, and made its exit. Then there was an explosion of the immobile P on the second file, together with the idea of shifting the R on the third file.

Takako Noda

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