Quest of the lost systems

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Chapter One: Yagura
Section 1: suzume-zashi, or attack a la sparrow shish kebab

Black began his attack by P-6e, first making White's B go away from 6d, but he just couldn't follow the same procedure as what followed Diagram 2 because of White's B on 4b. But Black's two Ls dropped on the same file, on 2f and 2h, look successfully threatening to White's camp.

Only a month before this, exactly the same phase appeared (up to White's B*3f) in the game played by Yonenaga(b) and Hifumi Kato(w). Instead of dropping L on 2f, Black dropped S on 2g, which was to be countered: (w)Bx2f, (b)Lx2f, (w)N*1e. The last move, N*1e, was a goodie, which undermined Black's attack.

Back to this game, White's N*2e gives an impression of a thought-out defence, but Black's R-1f surpassed it. You might say, why proceed to 1f position when you know the opponent will drop P on 1e, then Black's R will be forced to retreat, thereby Black makes one move in vain? But lo and behold. By dropping P on 1e, White can't make P*1g, which was his original plan.

In the actual game, after Diagram 3, Yonenaga moved his K to 7i, which made the game a very difficult one. Yonenaga lost the game in the end. Instead of K-7i, however, he should have made S*1d, which would certainly have put White in plight. But nobody knows for certain.

A month later, a brilliant counter-punch devised by Kato carried the day...

The game was played by Keiji Mori(b) and Hifumi Kato(w) on May 25, 1979, as a preliminary match for Oi (rhymes with "boy", meaning kingly status). It went exactly the same way as the Yonenaga-Nakahara game did, all the way through Diagram 3 up to (b)L*2f, except that both Ps on the 9th file stayed immobile.

 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
+---------------------------+       White in hand: N,4Ps   
|wL wN  *  *  *  *  *  *  * |a
| * wR  *  *  * wB wG wK  * |b
|wP  * wS wP  * wG  * wP wN |c
| *  * wP  * wP wP  *  *  * |d
| * wP  * bP  *  * wP  *  * |e
| *  * bP  * bP  * wB bL  * |f
|bP bP bS bG  * bP  *  *  * |g      Black in hand: S       
| *  * bG  *  * bS  * bL  * |h
|bL bN  * bK  *  *  *  *  bR|i       
Diagram 4. Mori(b) vs Kato(w), up to L*2f.

Moves from Diagram 4: (from White)

      N*1d;      Lx2c+, Gx2c;       Lx2c+, Kx2c;      G*3g, B-2e;
P*2f, B-3d;      G-4f, L*1e;    (Diagram 5)

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